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Students Guide to Classrooms

Last Updated: June 12, 2020

Face Coverings

Face coverings will be required in the following areas:

  • Hallways
  • Restrooms
  • Common spaces
  • Elevators
  • Front desks
  • Office suites (masks not required in individual offices when guests are not present)
  • Classrooms
  • Study rooms
  • Open and closed lounges

Face coverings will not be required in the following areas:

  • Personal offices (unless more than one person is present)
  • Personal suite living areas
  • Private bedrooms
  • Suite bathroom facilities
  • Parking lots if social distancing is possible

Students who are unable to wear a face covering in accordance with the policy should contact the Dean of Students office (DOS) at [email protected]. The DOS will provide guidance regarding the process for submitting an exception request, and will review submissions to make a determination on a case-by-case basis. Documentation from the treating physician will be required for medical exceptions.

Classroom Density

Tape and covered chairs indicate which seats and portions of a table are unavailable to students in a socially distanced lecture hall.

The following changes to each classroom on campus will ensure a distance of 6 feet or more is maintained by faculty, staff and students.

Classroom Diagrams

A diagram of a social distance classroom shows which seats are open for students to use during a lecture.

Each classroom has been reconfigured to encourage social distancing by reducing the rooms’ seating capacities. CAD diagrams have been printed, laminated and posted in each classroom for clear instruction.

Identifying Useable Areas

Tape will be used to identify useable sitting areas in classrooms with permanent, unmovable furniture. Unmovable chairs may be covered with bags to limit use.

Classrooms with moveable furniture will be reconfigured to place useable furniture at appropriate distances.


Classrooms will be fully sanitized daily upon the conclusion of each day’s class scheduling.

  • Research labs will be cleaned at the direction of the principal investigator per current standards.
  • Class labs will be cleaned daily.
A member of the cleaning crew wears a mask and gloves as she wipes down the surface of a table with sanitizing spray and a towel.